Traditional Poker Chip Color Values

Here are chip colors and their most commonly associated values or denominations, as well as World Series of Poker chip denominations. The most consistently used gaming chip denominations are red ($5), green ($25) and black ($100). Other chip values, especially high denominations are more variable. Cash Game Chip Values If you are using your poker chips to play a home cash game, I recommend just following the traditional rules. White is $1, red is $5, blue is $10, green is $25. This will cover you for games up to $2/$5 blinds. It's pretty rare to find any other color besides green for the $25 chip in a casino setting, but some cheap poker sets for home use have only have white, red, and blue chips. By tradition, the blue chip is the highest-value one, so it is sometimes worth $25. This is where the expression “blue-chip stock” came from. Values and Colors of Each of the Poker Chips As a gambler, you begin with a standard number of chips in a Poker tournament, and throughout the games, as the levels increase, you wish to build up your stack. We have already mentioned the most popular colors and values of the chips on online roulette or Poker in the section above. In this section. They can represent anything, it is only the amounts printed on them that have any real meaning. For poker cash games and normal casino chips, the cash value is the same as the amount on the chip, whether that be dollars, Euros or Rupee.

Chips used for poker are among the most iconic parts of gambling overall. One complete basic set of poker chips usually consists of red, white, blue, green, and black chips. In addition, other larger high stakes tournaments also use other chipsets with more colors. For the most popular types of games like Texas Hold ‘Em Poker, or any other that uses chips as currency, you simply have to know how much each color is worth. It is important to remember that no set rules are in place for the values and that these are rather are common standards at poker events. In this article, we will go over the usual ways poker chips are valued during games.

Basic Poker Chips

White – $1

Pink – $2.50 (This is rare in poker, and it is sometimes used in black-jack)

Red – $5

Blue – $10

Green – $25

Black – $100

Full Poker Chips

White – $1

Yellow – $2 (Again, rarely used)

Red – $5

Blue – $10

Grey – $20 (Sometimes green)

Green – $25

Orange – $50

Black – $100

Pink – $250

Purple – $500

Yellow – $1000 (These are sometimes burgundy or gray)

Light Blue – $2000

Brown – $5000

Are You Hosting a Poker Event?

If you want to host a game of poker with a maximum of 10 players, the experts suggest you should have around 500 chips in three or four colors. If you plan to hold a much larger game with up to 30 people, an around 1,000 chips in four or five colors is what you will need. Regarding sets of chips for your own games, you should keep the number of different colors low and have the most chips of the lowest value. Then, you should have progressively smaller numbers of chips as they climb in value. One example of this is a 4:3:2:1 ratio for $1, $5, $10, and $25 chips. For 500 poker chips, totals of 200, 150, 100, and 50 chips in white, red, blue and green is the common practice.

Casino Chips

Casinos tend to have their own custom-designed chips that have monetary value and the name of the casino printed either printed or engraved on the sides. These are also often multi-colored, stylized, and have patterns. The color-coding in the casinos often follows the values listed above, but many casinos make up their own systems.

Atlanta casinos mostly follow the basic practice of white, pink, red, green, and black chips. They also add yellow chips for $20 and blue chips for $10.

Las Vegas casinos are arguably the most popular in the world, and they also follow the primary system. They too, however, add $20 chips. The Wynn casino also has brown $2 chips and peach $3 chips.

California has no legal laws for chip colors in California, but a common color coding method is as follows:

$1 is usually blue

$2 is green

$3 is red

$5 is yellow

$10 is brown

$20 is black

$25 is purple

$100 is white and sometimes larger

$500 is brown or gray and often larger

High-Value Chips

A chip that is worth more than $5,000 is rarely available at the public in casinos, because high-stakes games are mostly held privately. At these events, casinos sometimes use rectangular plaques that are around the same size as playing cards. Casinos that allow high-stakes gambling in public areas have plaques of $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, and even higher. Only Nevada and Atlantic City have these casinos.

This all will be unnecessary if you are going to an online casino because the chips are already counted for you. However, not all online casinos are user friendly, to say it like this. Some of them have the Gamstop tool that prevents players with gambling issues to approach the site. To avoid such sites, you can check the list of non Gamstop casinos at sites such as


Most of the gambling games through history used some sort of cash marker for the currency. However, the first use of chips dates back at the early 1800s when the saloons and gaming houses in the Wild West started using engraved bones, ivory, or clay as chips. These were quite easy to copy however, so by the 1880s, several commercial companies manufactured customized clay chips for the use in saloons and gaming houses. They were carefully detailed and hard to forge.

In contemporary casinos, chips are custom and manufactured, still containing a percentage of clay. Some can also be ceramic. The weight, texture, design, and color are carefully observed and controlled, and some high-end casinos even have microchips in them, which means they are impossible to copy.

If you are planning to play poker at your home using poker chips, then you need to know the poker chip values by colors. You can also play poker by setting your own values to the chips, but there is no harm in knowing the standard poker chip values by colors.

If you are planning to play real poker tournaments for cash, then it is better for you to play poker with the standard poker chip values by color which is acknowledged by all over the world. This way, you’ll get to experience how actual poker tournaments are played and will be a great learning experience for you.

Poker Chip Values By Colors For Home Games

Usually, poker chips online comes with 5 common colors with a 300 or 500Pcs poker chip set. The common colors of the chips with the values are listed below.

These are the most common poker chip values by colors for home games. There are also other less common chip colors you can get online. Less common chip values by colors are listed below.

Traditional poker chip color values chart

These are the lesser known poker chip values by color which you rarely get when you purchase poker chips online. Now, let us take a look at these poker chip colors one by one.

Traditional Poker Chip Color Values Chart

White Color Poker Chip – $1

White color poker chip is the least valued color in poker. In most of the cases, the white colored chip is valued at $1. But, in California, the white chip is valued at $100. So, again the value of these colors are dependent on the geographic location in the world.

When you purchase a poker chip set, the number of white chips is more than that of green or black chips. White chips plays an important role when you are playing $1/$2 blind tahles. Also, you can tip the dealers using the white $1 chips when you are playing cash games in a casino.

You can also set white color chips to $0.5 or $0.25 when you are playing $0.5/$1 table. So, ultimately it is up to you to set the value for each chips depending on the blinds.

You usually get around 100 chips of white color when you purchase the 300Pcs chip set. And you can get up to 150Pcs of white colored chips when you purchase the 500 Pcs Chip set.

Red Color Poker Chip – $5

Red color poker chip is the second most least valued color in poker. Usually, the standard value of Red colored chips is $5. Even in most of the casinos, the red color chip is valued at $5. Red poker chips are of really good use if you like to play $1/$2 blinds or $5/$10 blind tables.

You usually get around 50 chips of red color when you purchase the 300Pcs chip set. And you can get up to 100 to 150Pcs of red colored chips when you purchase the 500 Pcs Chip set.

Blue Color Poker Chip – $10

Blue color poker chips are the third least valued chip color in poker. Blue chips are usually worth $10. You can find blue colored chips in most of the $5/$10 blind cash games in casinos. Blue chips also comes in handy when you are playing $10/$20 blind tables.

When you purchase 300Pcs poker chip set, you usually get 50 blue chips in the set. And you get around 100 blue chips when you purchase the 500Pcs chip set.

Green Color Poker Chip – $25

Green color poker chips are valued at $25 in almost all the casinos. This green color chip is greatly used in $5/10 or $10/20 cash games.

When you purchase 300Pcs poker chip set, you usually get 50 green poker chips in the set. And you get around 50 to 100 green chips when you purchase the 500Pcs chip set.

Black Color Poker Chip – $100

Black Color poker chip is a high valued chip in poker. The value is usually $100 and can be found in most casinos when you play $10/$20 cash games.

When black chips are involved, you must know that the stakes are getting higher as well. But, if you are playing poker in your home, then you can set the value to $50 if you feel $100 is a bit steep for your home games. However, if you own purple or yellow chips, then you can definitely play high stakes games at your homes.

When you purchase 300Pcs poker chip set, you usually get 25 to 50 black chips in the set. And you get around 25 to 50 black chips when you purchase the 500Pcs chip set.

Purple Color Poker Chip – $500

When you start to see Purple color chips at the table, then you know the game played is high stakes where a lot of money is involved. Most of the time purple color chips are valued at $500 in casinos.

Usually, when you purchase poker chips online, you don’t find purple color chips among them. There are only a few chip set where you can find the purple color chip. Also, when you purchase a chip set containing purple color, you usually get poker chips with predetermined values printed on them.

Yellow/Gold Color Poker Chip – $1000

Yellow or Gold color poker chips are usually worth $1000 in casinos. Yellow poker chips are worth $1000 on most of the casinos. This is a very high valued chip are not usually seen in casinos unless you play high stakes poker.

Again, you don’t find yellow colored chips with most of the chip sets online. Only a handful of chipsets will contain Yellow colored chips. Also, when you purchase a chip set containing yellow color, you usually get poker chips with predetermined values printed on them.

Pink Color Poker chip – $5000

Pink poker chips are extremely rare and are used only when the stakes in cash games are over $500. In most of the casinos pink chips are worth $5000. In some casinos, brown chips are used for representing $5000. So, the value depends on the casino you are playing.

Since pink color chips are rare, you won’t find it in most of the chip sets online. Usually, the pink colored chip comes with the predetermined denomination chip sets.

Traditional Poker Chip Color Values

Orange Color Poker Chip – $10000

Orange color poker chips are again seen only with high stake games. The orange color poker chip is worth $10000. This is the most common demonination for the color orange in most of the casinos.

You usually don’t get Orange chips with most of the chip sets. You have to purchase them separately either in ebay or amazon. Again, orange chips usually comes with predetermined value printed on them. If you want an non valued orange chip, then you have to custom order either in your retail stores or online.

These were the different poker chip values by color for your home games. You also get several other colors which are super rare. But, when you are looking to purchase poker chips online, you get the above mentioned colored chips most of the time.

Usually, with budget poker chip sets, you don’t get predetermined valued chips. You can set the values for yourselves according to the blinds you want to play. But, you can always use the standard values for these colors as mentioned above.

Top Asked Questions About Poker Chips

These are some of the most asked questions on Poker chips by poker players.

What are poker chips made of?

Most of the poker chips are made from either Clay, Plastic or Ceramic. Each of these materials have their own pros and cons. Right now, most of the poker chips are made from ceramic, since it is easy to manufacture in bulk.

Clay poker chips are the most traditional poker chips and are highly durable. These poker chips are also more expensive than plastic or ceramic poker chips. The clay poker chips are also considered as the best quality poker chips between the three. Clay poker chips are made from compression molding and thus the clay chips are known as the compression molded chips.


Traditional Poker Chip Color Values List

Plastic poker chips are made using injection molding. Plastic poker chips are very cheap and the quality is not that great compared to clay or ceramic materials. The plastic chips are not durable as well and doesn’t feel like professional poker chips. If you are a casual poker player, then you might opt to plastic poker chips since they are not that expensive.

Ceramic chips are blended with polymers. They are made with other materials besides clay to make them harder to counterfeit, more durable, and less likely to dent or scratch. The ability to print lettering and graphics on the entire surface of the chip, instead of just the inlay, made them popular. These ceramic poker chips are a great option to consider if you are looking for poker chips with predetermined denominations.

Are Poker chips magnetic?

The poker chips that you get online are mostly not magnetic. Usually, you get either ceramic or clay poker chips when you are purchasing poker chips online. These are the go-to poker chips for home games or even play games at a casino.

Although, you can find magnetic poker chips at few casinos. These magnetic poker chips are usually made from neodymium magnets. These magnetic poker chips are usually used in casinos to attract the customers and invite more players to the table.

How many poker chips in a set?

You usually get either 200 poker chips, 300 poker chips or 500 chips in a set. And the most popular is the 300Pcs poker chip set, since it is more than enough to play with 5-6 players.

With 200 poker chips you usally get either 4 or 5 different colour variations for your chips. Thisis one of the best poker chip set you can purchase right now for 200 poker chips.

This is the most common combination you get for 200 chips with 4 different colours

Red – 50 chips Blue- 50 chips Green – 50 chips Black – 50 chips

This is the most common combination you get for 200 chips with 5 different colours

White – 50 Red – 50 chips Blue- 50 chips Green – 25 chips Black – 25 chips

With 300 poker chips you usually get 5 different colour variations for your chips. You even get poker chips with 4 colours for 300 chips, but is not that common. Thisis one of the best poker chip set you can purchase right now for 300 poker chips on Amazon.

This is the most common combination you get for 300 chips with 5 different colours

White – 100 Red – 50 chips Blue- 50 chips Green – 50 chips Black – 50 chips

With 500 poker chips, you get either 5 to 6 colour combinations poker chips. This is one of the best poker chip set you can purchase right now for 500 poker chips on Amazon.

This is the most common combination you get for 500 chips with 5 different colours

White – 150 Red – 150 chips Blue- 100 chips Green – 50 chips Black – 50 chips

This is the most common combination you get for 500 chips with 6 different colours. This combination is used mainly for high stakes poker.

White – 100 Chips Red – 150 Chips Green – 100 Chips Black – 100 Chips Purple – 25 Chips Yellow/Gold – 25 Chips

How many poker chips do you start with?

This is quite common question you have when you are purchasing poker chips. It is important to purchase the right amount of chips so that you can play poker without any hassles.

If you play tournament style poker at your homes, you’ll need atleast 50 poker chips per player to have a decent poker game. So, if there are six of you playing, then you need at least 300 poker chips to play poker. You can play for even lesser poker chips. But, the games might end a bit quicker thats all. I’ll provide tables for chips distribution per player for 200, 300 and 500 poker chips with 5 colour variation.

First, if you own 200Pcs poker chips, then this is how the chips distribution looks like for 5 poker players at a table.


With this distribution, you can easily play $4 to $8 Blinds and lesser and get up to 100 big blinds per person. You have to keep in mind this distribution is for 5 players. So, if more players are involved, then each players get even lesser chips than this distribution. So, the blinds have to be reduced to $1/$2 if more players are involved.

If you are playing tournament style poker, with this chips distribution you can start with $1/$2 Blinds and increase the blinds as the time goes by. You can set to increase the blinds every 15 minutes. Usually, the blinds are doubled for every 15 minutes.

Now, if you own 300Pcs poker chip set, then this is how the chips distribution looks like for 5 poker players at a table.

WHITE$1 20$20

With this distribution, you can easily play $5/$10 blinds and get upto 140 blinds per players. Again, as the players increases the chip distribution each player receives decreases and the total amount reduces too. So, set the blinds accordingly to the total amount each player has.

Now, if you own 500Pcs poker chip set, then this is how the chips distribution looks like for 5 poker players at a table.


You’ll have 100 poker chips each if you buy the 500 poker chips set. You can easily play $10/$20 blind games with at most 60 big blinds per player. Technically speaking, you don’t need 500 chips if there are only 5 players involved. 300 poker chips are more than sufficient to have a good game. But, if 8-10 players are involved, then it is best to buy the 500Pcs poker chip set.

What Colors are poker chips worth?

For Home game poker the most common poker chips values are as follows:

White – $1
Red – $5
Blue – $10
Green – $25
Black – $100

For Casino Games or poker tournaments the poker chip values are as follows:

White – $1
Red – $5
Blue – $10
Green – $25
Black – $100
Purple – $500
Yellow/Gold – $1000
Pink – $5000
Orange – $10000

There might be slight changes in values of the chips depending on the casinos. For example, in some casinos the $5000 chips comes with dark brown color. And the white chips in California are worth $100 and so on. So, there will be some irregularities between the colors and their values depending on the casino.

Where to get the poker chips from?

You can get poker chips either from your nearby retail stores or buy online either from Amazon or other online shopping sites. You probably won’t find casino quality poker chips at your regular retail store. If you are looking for professional quality chips, then it is better to purchase them online.

Also, it is better to buy a complete poker chip set instead of just buying poker chips, since you don’t get a case to keep the chips in place. Also in a chip set, you get dealer and blind buttons as well. So, it is always better to get a complete chip set instead of just buying poker chips.

If you are interested, then have a look at the top 10 best poker chip set to play poker at home.

I hope you guys learnt something today. If you are also looking to purchase top poker tables or top poker cards, you can read my other blogs. If you have any queries, then please leave a comment below. Thanks for reading. Take care.

Vegas poker chip values

Color Of Poker Chips Denomination

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